SharePoint Modern Sites
In 2016, MS announced a revolutionary change in SharePoint, the change which was capable enough to attract people towards SP, the change which was very lightweight and easy to provision, the change which was mobile first, the change which was for the more open source rather than traditional server-side scripting. And the change was, MS came up with a new concept i.e. MODERN SITES. The very next thing which came in everyone’s mind, how these modern sites are different from classic SharePoint sites. Apart from above mentioned, here is a couple of difference which would make sense why. SharePoint Modern sites are “NoScript” enabled, that means there are few operations which can’t be possible when “NoScript” is enabled, like Cannot save site/Library as a template, Solution Gallery/Theme Gallery/Help Settings/Sandbox solutions not available in site settings, etc. Whenever modern sites are created, by default they are having awesome look and feel, and this new UI supports mos...