Sharepoint 2010 Delete Multiple Site Collection and Databases using Powershell
Some times you need to delete multiple site collections or databases so if we delete them manually its a very time taking process so here is a power shell script that will help you definitely. clear Remove-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell ## Loading variables $WebApplicationURL = " Web Application Url " $tmpRoot = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebApplicationURL $DataBaseInstanceToDelete =" Database1 , Database2 , Database3 , Database4 , Database5 " ## Please Modify the array to delete Database instances $SiteCollectionsToDelete = " Site Collection Url1, Site Collection Url2, Site Collection Url3, Site Collection Url4, Site Collection Url5 " ## Please Modify the array to delete Site Collections ## Getting all the databases related to web application $DataBaseInstance = Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $WebApplicationURL ## Enume...